Friday 18 November 2011

Shots (Heather Wragg)

This is a photo showing a bad use of the Rule of Thirds. She is stood in the middle of the photo and therefore doesn't cross any of the sections the Rule of Thirds tells us to do, making this photo uneffective. There is also poor light conditions due to the fact the sun is behind her making her be in the dark. However, we like this effect and want to use it in our music video.

This is a good example of ours using the Rule of Thirds and looks much more professional and effective than the other. Using the Rule fo Thirds makes the part of the image that is supposed to be the main attraction the most noticeable and more effective in what the image is trying to show and in this case it is that the model is sad and alone.

This is a reflection shot of our artist which is effective since we can see both sides of the model's face and it also makes her the main focus on the image. It also creates tension.

This is a low angled shot of our artist. Low angled shots make us feel that the artist is vulnerable and alone in the sitation we are trying to explain in the story of our music video which would make a very effective image to use as this is the type of view we are trying to express in our video.

In our video we wanted to use a shot from an angle in front of a flame from a candle with an image of our artist behind it so we tried this out in a dark room and thought that our outcome looked very effective and relates to the theme of our chosen song.